Quarantine Film Fest Round Two

Here are the submissions for the HSQFF Round 2! The rules are posted below which will explain the funny words. Round 3 coming soon!

Cooking Spirmarvily with Husbordes - Tim and Jamie Stevens

American Housewives - Brianna and Kris Ostergaard

Caution Hot - Karl Leisch

Can I Go - Noah Stoner

True Gritt - Kevin Gallagher and Falon Joslyn

Hey everyone, 

Thanks for showing interest in round two of the Highball Society Quarantine Film Fest Round 2! This one comes with a MAJOR AWARD which will be explained at the end of this post. 

First of all, we don’t want anyone getting hurt or in trouble, so please follow your local guidelines and health official recommendations. There will be four obstructions with this particular challenge which are as follows:

1. Produce a one minute long short film. There will be a 5 second grace period so if it’s 55 seconds or 1:05 long, that’s totally okay. 

2. Total budget to produce this short will be ZERO dollars. Spend no money. Use only what you have. Shoot on whatever you want. Could be big cameras, little cameras, phones, GoPros, or anything else that will produce a final video. Edit the same way. Use whatever you have available to you. 

3. Submissions are due by May 23, 2020. Email the link to me at hwallbanger@gmail.com. They must be viewable on either YouTube or Vimeo. All submissions will be listed here for all of us to watch!

4. Final obstruction is as follows. From the list below, choose 2 words. These are fake words from a fake word generator, so interpret them however you like. HOWEVER, one of your words must be used as a VERB and the other must be used as a NOUN. 

  • Ripted

  • Unknifto

  • Spirmarvily

  • Husbordes

  • Ploosner

  • Watchetifuters

  • Rebarbects

  • Crumptury

  • Textbols

  • Requelime

Feel free to email me with any questions. I’d love to get a rough head count so if you could let me know you’re planning on participating, please do so. And of course, there is no obligation to play. 

The MAJOR AWARD will be to be called The Big Winner of Round 2. You can make a plaque, stick it on a trophy, put it on your mantle, and share it for all of the world to see. Maybe one day we’ll have a real trophy that can be shared around. 

Lastly, cast your vote on the round 1 submissions. We’re experimenting with an idea that the participants of the current round will be eligible to vote for the submissions of the previous round. If that works, we’ll keep it going like that. 

Thanks for playing. Now go make something great! 


Tim and Jamie